Yes British

We help passionate people acquire a British accent within a short period of time.

Perfect your British accent with our bespoke courses, meticulously crafted for individuals and groups at every level, from students to distinguished professionals, including CEOs and celebrities. Our tailored offerings include specialized workshops for schools, universities, and organizational teams.

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of learners experienced a remarkable improvement in their pronunciation and accent.

Source: YES BRITISH Impact Survey, 2023

Personalized Learning Paths

Discover the Perfect Training Approach for You

Areas of Expertise

Explore the specific domains where we excel, offering comprehensive guidance and assistance.

Accent and Pronunciation Mastery

Achieve flawless pronunciation and perfect your accent with the unwavering support and expertise of our coaches. Our guided training ensures that you not only speak with impeccable clarity and pronunciation but also embrace the nuances and authenticity of your desired accent, allowing you to confidently connect and engage with a global audience.

English Language Proficiency

Master the intricacies of the English language, including vocabulary expansion, exploration of idiomatic expressions, grammar refinement, and the subtle nuances that make your language skills stand out. Our comprehensive and immersive approach ensures you’re not just proficient in English but can skillfully navigate its depth and richness.

Silver and Black Dynamic Metal Microphone

Effective Communication Skills

Enhance your verbal and non-verbal communication abilities, encompassing public speaking, storytelling, humor, and engaging group exercises. Our goal is to help you broaden your aura, exude confidence, and captivate your audience or the people around you wherever you go, ultimately boosting your personal and professional impact.

What People Say

Testimonials and Success Stories

I’ve always admired the sophistication and charm of the British accent, but never imagined I could acquire it myself. Thanks to Yes British, that dream became a reality. Not only do I feel more confident and authoritative while communicating with people, but I’ve also noticed a significant change in how others perceive me. People respect me more, trust my judgment, and are drawn to my refined communication style. Yes British has truly been a game-changer for me.
Ronnie Tidy
Studying CCNA towards Network Security Engineer 
Wow, what can I say about my experience with Yes British? It’s been nothing short of amazing. As a student, I often felt overshadowed by my peers, lacking the confidence to speak up in class or engage in group discussions. But after completing the Yes British program, I’ve become a more assertive and articulate communicator. Not only do I feel more respected by my peers, but I’ve also noticed a positive shift in my social interactions. Thank you for helping me unlock my potential!
Juan Hernández
To be honest, I was quite skeptical initially whether changing my accent was even possible. However, after our first conversation, I decided to give it a try. I still remember I was hesitant at first due to the year-long program given my busy schedule and I could only commit 2 hours per week. However, the investment of time was well worth it. People now frequently ask if I was born in the UK, which is remarkable. Even my boyfriend was highly impressed on our first date. Kudos to Yes British!
Yanling Yang
Data Scientist
I’ve long nurtured a profound aspiration to embark on a career as a public speaker, driven by the desire to employ the eloquence of words as a source of inspiration. I was acutely conscious of the profound impact native speakers and their accents have on their audience. With Yes British’s accent training program, the realization of my dream has taken on a tangible form. Yes British’s training transcends the mere acquisition of a British accent; it’s a transformative journey towards discovering my authentic voice and mastering the art of captivating and influential communication. I owe my journey toward becoming a distinguished public speaker to this invaluable program.
Sarah Ahmed
Content Writer
Prior to Yes British, I struggled with confidence in my speech. It was common for me to have to repeat myself with responses like “sorry, could you repeat what you just said?” However, your program not only helped me acquire a British accent but also greatly boosted my confidence. Nowadays, I find myself more at ease in meetings and presentations, and my colleagues have been impressed by the positive transformation. Not to mention, my friends and family also respect me more. I never knew accent changes everything. I highly recommend this program!
Ayodeji Ayodele
Software Developer
Accent training at Yes British has been a game-changer for me. Even though people could understand my English, my Arab accent often made me feel overlooked. The 1-to-1 coaching from Yes British has been nothing short of transformative. Now, I’m enjoying the respect and attention in both my personal as well as professional interactions just because of the way I sound. Feels great, and I wholeheartedly endorse Yes British.
Sheikh Ahmad Al Thani
I’ve always found the British accent highly attractive, and Yes British’s training was great. I’m glad I discovered your service online because I wasn’t able to find this service in Russia. You’re definitely transforming the lives of people. I can’t thank you enough for this remarkable change. The British accent I’ve acquired is now a permanent part of me—a truly valuable investment of my time and money. Cheers!
Kristina V.
Talent Acquisition Specialist 
The coach has special rules & techniques from which I have been greatly impacted in terms of pronunciation. The training helped in realizing mistakes which I as a non-native English speaker have had to live with for many years, until now. I feel it’s very difficult for one to acquire a British accent perfectly without a coach who would point out the errors so that we correct ourselves immediately.
Rahul Bhandari
Senior Program Manager
The coach is super friendly and welcoming. I never felt judged or humiliated even when I made repeated mistakes. I appreciate your patience, even when I erred on the same words over and over again.
Sandeep Agarwal
SAP Finance and Reporting Consultant

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